Measurement and instrumentation principles is a successive of the highly successful text PRINCIPLES of MEASUREMENTS and INSTRUMENTATION BY ALAN S. MORRIS, first published in 1988 and then a revised edition appeared in market in 1993. Since that time a number of new developments have occurred in the field of Measurement. The development of smart sensors, intelligent instruments micro-sensors, digital signal processing, digital recorders, digital field buses and new methods of transmission and the extension of the formal standards governing instrument calibration procedures and measurement system performance beyond the tradition area of quality assurance system (BS 5781, BS 5750 and more recently ISO 9001) into new areas such as environmental protection systems (BS 7750 and ISO 14000) resulted into an up-to-date book, covering all of these not only for the students and teachers but also for practicing engineers. Thus the Measurement and instrumentation Principles 1st edition rather than Principles of Measurement and Instrumentation 3rd edition.
Sailent Features
· The topic of sensors and their use in measurement is discussed in details.
· The topics of measurement that plays a crucial part in all systems are emphasized.
· This book serves both as an introductory course in measurement and instrumentation and as in-depth coverage of the subject
· The text is divided in two parts. Part 1 covers Principles of measurement and part 2 provides a range of instruments and sensors available today.
· Part 1 is organized such that all of the elements in a typical measurement system are presented in a logical order.
· Part 2 provide comprehensive coverage of all major type sensors and instruments.
· The Mathematics is tried to keep as least as possible. However, where necessary
· Worked examples are provided to illustrate the principles involved. Self assessment questions are also provided.
A brief overview of the contents of the book
1. Introduction to measurement
2. Instrument types and performance characteristics
3. Errors during the measurement process
4. Calibration of measuring sensors and instruments
5. Measurement noise and signal processing
6. Electrical indicating and test instruments
7. Variable conversion elements
8. Signal transmission
9. Digital computation and intelligent devices
10. Instrumentation/computer networks
11. Display, recording and presentation of measurement data
12. Measurement reliability and safety systems
13. Sensor technologies
14. Temperature measurement
15. Pressure measurement
16. Flow measurement
17. Level measurement
18. Mass, force and torque measurement
19. Translational motion transducers
20. Rotational motion transducers
21. Summary of other measurements
Appendix 1: Imperial–metric–SI conversion tables
· Length
· Area
· Second moment of area
· Volume
· Density
· Mass force
· Torque(moment of force)
· Inertia
· Pressure
· Additional convention factors
· Power
· Velocity
· Acceleration
· Mass flow rate volume flow rate
· Specific energy (heat per unit volume)
· Dynamic viscosity
· Kinematic viscosity
Appendix 2 Thevinen’s theorem Appendix 3 Thermocouple tables
Appendix Solution to self-test questions